Basic Review

CHAPTER 1 Whole Numbers, Integers, and Introduction to Algebra


Whole Numbers

Comparing place value

Place Value (1)

Place Value (2)

Place Value (3)

Less than and greater than <, >

Comparing decimals

Comparing decimals, smallest to greatest

Divisibility Rules

Prime Factorization

1.2 Use the Language of Algebra


Expressions vs equations

Testing a solution

PEMDAS introduction

PEMDAS -example 1

PEMDAS – example 2

1.3 Evaluate, Simplify, and Translate Expressions

Evaluate algebraic expressions

Identify terms, coefficients, and like terms

Simplify expressions by combining like terms

Translate word phrases to algebraic expressions

Writing Expressions – example 1

Writing Expressions – example 2

1.4 Add and Subtract Integers

Model Integers Multiple Ways with Integer Chips

Absolute value

More on Absolute Value

Ex 1: Determine the Absolute Value of an Integer

Ex 2: Determine the Absolute Value of an Integer

Ex:  Comparing Absolute Value of Integers

Evaluate Absolute Value Variable Expressions

Adding Integers with the Same Sign Using Color Counters

Adding Integers with Different Signs Using Color Counters

Subtracting Integers with Color Counters (No Extra Zeros Needed)

Subtracting Integers with Color Counters (Extra Zeros Needed)

Adding Integers Using the Money Analogy

Adding Integers Using Formal Rules

Why we don’t use a multiplication sign

Evaluating an expression with one variable

Evaluating an expression practice question

Evaluating an algebra expression with two variables (1)

Evaluating an algebra expression with two variables (2)

Adding Integers with different signs

Adding integers practice 1

Additive Inverse

Subtracting Integers

Subtracting Integer Word Problem with Temperature

Subtracting Integer word problem with money

1.5 Multiply and Divide Integers

Multiply Integers using chips -1

Multiply Integers using chips -2

Why two negatives in a multiplication results in a positive

Discover the Rules for Multiplying Integers by Analyzing Patterns

Multiply Integers 

Practice multiplying positive and negative numbers 2

Divide Integers -basics 1

Divide Integers – basics 2

Dividing by Zero explained

Intro to exponents (video) | Khan Academy

Exponential Notation

Simplify Expressions Involving Integers – YouTube

Evaluating Variable Expressions – YouTube

Translate Basic Expressions and Equations to Words – YouTube

Why two negatives in a multiplication results in a positive Practice multiplying positive and negative numbers 1

Dividing positive and negative numbers

Writing the Reciprocal of a fraction

Inverse property of multiplication

CHAPTER 2 Operations with Rational Numbers and Introduction to Real Numbers

2.1 Visualize Fractions

Equivalent fractions (1)

Equivalent fractions (2)

Equivalent fractions (3)

Fractions in lowest terms

Practice simplifying fractions

Comparing fractions (1)

Comparing fractions (2) 

Multiplying fractions (1)

Multiplying fractions (2)

How to use calculator for fraction questions

Multiplying fractions & whole numbers

Multiplying mixed numbers

Multiplying fractions & mixed numbers

Multiplying fractions word problem (1)

Multiplying fractions word problems (2)

Multiplying fractions word problem (3)

Dividing fractions

Fraction Division: multiply by reciprocal

Dividing mixed numbers

Dividing Fractions and writing with division symbol

Dividing fractions word problem (1)

Dividing fractions word problems (2)

Dividing fractions word problems (3)

Dividing fractions word problem (4)

Dividing fractions word problems (5)

2.2 Add and Subtract Fractions

Adding fractions with like denominators

Subtracting fractions with like denominators

Finding common denominators

Add fractions with different denominators

Adding fractions with unlike denominators

Subtracting fractions with unlike denominators

Adding mixed numbers

Adding mixed numbers with unlike denominators (1)

Adding mixed numbers with unlike denominators (2)

Subtracting mixed numbers (1)

Subtracting mixed numbers (2)

Subtracting mixed numbers with unlike denominators (1)

Subtracting mixed numbers with regrouping (unlike denominators) (video) | Khan Academy

Adding fractions word problems

Subtracting mixed numbers word problems (1)

Subtracting mixed numbers word problems (2)

2.3 Decimals

Name and write decimals

Decimal Place Value

Round Decimals

Rounding decimals to nearest tenth | Khan Academy

Comparing decimals (tenths and hundredths)| Khan Academy

Adding decimals example | Khan Academy

Ex: Add a Whole Number and a Decimal – YouTube

Examples: Subtraction of Decimals – YouTube

Ex: Subtract a Decimal from a Whole Number (Positive Result) – YouTube

Decimal Multiplication & Division – YouTube

Multiplying by Powers of Ten – YouTube

Examples: Dividing a Decimal by a Decimal – YouTube

Ex: Dividing Signed Decimals – YouTube

Converting percents to decimals & fractions example | Khan Academy

Converting a fraction to a decimal  | Khan Academy

Convert a Fraction to a Decimal (terminating)

Convert a Fraction to a Decimal (repeating)

Convert a Fractions to Decimals and Decimals to Percents

2.4 Introduction to the Real Numbers

Classifying numbers

Intro to rational and irrational numbers

More on rational and irrational numbers

Plotting fractions on number line

Plotting decimals on number line

Decimals & fractions on the number line (video) | Khan Academy

Ordering negative numbers from least to greatest

Comparing rational numbers (video) | Khan Academy

Ordering rational numbers (video) | Khan Academy

Greater than and less than symbols (video) | Khan Academy

Comparing fractions with > and < symbols (video) | Khan Academy

2.5 Properties of Real Numbers

Properties of Real Numbers

Commutative Law of addition

Commutative Law of multiplication

Associative Property of Addition Example

More properties of numbers (Reciprocal and additive inverse)

Distributive law example 1

Distributive law example 2

Distributive law example 3

Intro to factoring (opposite of distributing)

Collecting like terms intro

Collecting like terms 1

Collecting like terms 2

Intro to order of operations

Order of operations example 1

Order of operations example 2

Order of operations example 3

Order of operations example 4