Solving First Degree Equations in One Variable


Solve Equations Using the Subtraction and Addition Properties of Equality

Intro to why we can do the same to both sides of the equation to help solve the equation

How to solve an equation intro

Check to See if a Given Value is a Solution to a Linear Equation in One Variable

Solving a simple equation example that uses the addition principle

Addition Property example 1

Addition principle example 2

Solve One Step Equations By Add and Subtract Numbers- YouTube

Solve One Step Equations with Fractions – YouTube

Solve a Linear Equation with Parentheses – YouTube


Solve Equations Using the Division and Multiplication Properties of Equality

Using the multiplication principle to solve a simple equation

Ex: Solve One Step Equations By Mult. and Div. Whole Numbers (Variable on Left) – YouTube

Single step algebra questions with fractions

Using cross multiplication to solve algebra questions


Solve Equations with Variables and Constants on Both Sides

Solving Two Step Equations: The Basics – YouTube

Example questions for solving for the variable

Using addition and multiplication principles in one question example 2

Example multi-step question with a division

Solving equations with variables on both sides of equal sign example 1

Solving equation with variables on both sides of equal sign example 2

Solving equations that use the distributive property to clear brackets example 1


Solve Equations with Fraction or Decimal Coefficients

Distributive property when question includes fractions

Solving equations that use the distributive property that include clearing fractions

Example questions with decimals, like terms (multi-step)

Example Equations that have either no solution or many solutions

Solving an equation with no solution


Use a General Strategy to Solve Linear Equations

Equation with variables on both sides – Khan Academy

Reasoning with linear equations (video) | Khan Academy


Solve a Formula for a Specific Variable

Rearrange formula to isolate a specific variable example 1

Rearrange formula to isolate a specific variable example 2

Rearrange formula to isolate a specific variable example 3

Rearrange formula to isolate a specific variable example 4


Use a Problem-Solving Strategy

Problem Solving Strategy

Using Problem-solving strategy – example

Word problem example 1

Word problem example 2

Word problem example 3

Word problem example 4

Word problem example 5

Solving equations with one unknown – Khan Academy