Linear Equations and Graphing


Use the Rectangular Coordinate System

Great intro to Rene Descartes and Linear Equations

Plotting ordered pairs

Quadrants of coordinate plane

Graphing points and naming quadrant exercise

Points on the coordinate plane exercise1

Points on the coordinate plane exercise2

Ordered pair solutions of equations example1

Solutions to 2-variable equations (video) | Khan Academy

Finding solutions that work for x and y


Graph Linear Equations in Two Variables

Graph a Linear Equation Using a Table of Values – YouTube

Graph a Linear Equation Containing Fractions Using a Table of Values – YouTube

Graphing a line in slope-intercept form (y=mx+b) **This is very important. Please see your instructor about this

Graph a Linear Equation in Standard Form Using a Table of Values – YouTube

Rearranging an equation to y=mx+b and graphing the line example1

Rearranging equation to y=mx+b and graphing the line example2

Graphing Horizontal and Vertical Lines – YouTube

4.3 Graph with Intercepts

Finding the x intercept example1

Finding the x intercept example2

Worked example: intercepts from an equation (video) | Khan Academy 

Graphing a line by finding the x and y intercepts example1

Graphing a line by finding x and y intercepts example 2


Understand Slope of a Line

Use Geoboards to Model Slope – YouTube

Positive & negative slope | Algebra (video) | Khan Academy 

Finding the slope of the line from the graph of the line

Slope of a line with a negative slope

Slope of a horizontal line

Horizontal & vertical lines | Slopes (video) | Khan Academy

Finding the slope of the line when given two points

Calculating and comparing slopes of different lines

Determine slope from two points on a graphed line

Determine the slope from two points on a graphed line (example of a line with a slope of zero)

Comparing slopes of different graphed lines exercise

Ex: Graph a Line Given a Point and the Slope – YouTube

Excellent interactive model showing how graph of line changes with both slope and y intercept for lines in the form y=mx+b

Relationship between slope and graphed line example

Word problem with linear equation


Use the Slope–Intercept Form of an Equation of a Line

Slope-intercept equation from graph (video) | Khan Academy

Finding equations of lines given different information (many examples)

Equation of lines that are vertical and horizontal

Parallel & perpendicular lines intro | Analytic geometry (video) | Khan Academy

Graphing the line using the slope and y-intercept

Use slopes to identify parallel and perpendicular lines – YouTube


Find the Equation of a Line

Slope-intercept equation from slope & point (video) | Khan Academy

Slope-intercept equation from two points (video) | Khan Academy

Writing Equations of Lines Parallel and Perpendicular to a Given Line Through a Point – YouTube

Writing equations of perpendicular lines (example 2) | Analytic geometry (video) | Khan Academy